
Predictix® : Next-generation test for prescribing antidepressants

Predictix® is designed to help clinicians choose the antidepressant best suited to the metabolizer profile of patients with Major Depressive Disorder (MDD).


Indeed, the choice of therapeutic molecule represents a major challenge to successful treatment. 


In partnership with Taliaz, the Cerba laboratory, a European leader in innovation in medical biology, offers the Predictix® test, which assesses the probability of response to a range of antidepressant molecules based on :
- identification of the patient's genotypes using the new MassARRAY® technology (Agena Bioscience).
- patient clinical and demographic data, assessed by CE-certified artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms.

For each patient, a personalized report is sent to the prescribing physician, providing details and bibliographic data.



An approach combining AI, clinical and demographic data and Pharmacogenetics

To find out more, read the Predictix® NewsLetter


Access to the catalog Prescription forms and patient questionnaire


Please do not hesitate to contact us 
Yours faithfully 

Cerba International Customer Relations Department